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JCSCORE: A Learning
Community of the SWCHRS

Together, we can make a difference. Learn with us at JCSCORE, a vital part of the Southwest Center for Human Relations Studies.

Welcome to JCSCORE

Learn with us – The Journal Committed to Social Change on Race and Ethnicity (JCSCORE) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal launched in 2015 by the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE), a production of the Southwest Center for Human Relations Studies at the University of Oklahoma Outreach. JCSCORE serves as a transformative platform for exchanging ideas that positively impact human relations in higher education.


Our Mission

JCSCORE is dedicated to promoting inclusivity and equity within higher education institutions. By facilitating the exchange of research and insights, JCSCORE strengthens connections between educational realms, fostering positive change and inclusivity.


Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Exploring interactions affected by race, ethnicity, and sovereignty in higher education policy, practice, and theory.

Complex Intersectionality

Welcoming work that reflects the complexities of intersectionality of identities.

Creative Scholarship

Inviting submissions that transcend disciplinary boundaries, including research articles, monographs, narrative, poetry, and digital media.


The journal’s launch was led by Dr. Belinda Biscoe, Senior Associate Vice President for University Outreach at the University of Oklahoma, Dr. Bruce Busby, retired professor and administrator from St. Cloud State University, and Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr., associate professor at Florida Atlantic University. Together, Drs. Biscoe, Busby, and Salinas formed the journal’s founding editorial board. 

In 2017, the editorial board of JCSCORE received the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Commission for Social Justice Educators (CSJE) Outstanding Social Justice Collaboration Award.

In 2018, OU Outreach initiated a formal relationship with OU Libraries to migrate the journal to the Open Journal System & Public Knowledge Project platform. This new platform institutionalized the journal and increased access, positioning it as a leader in the discussion on how to improve campuses across the country. The new JCSCORE submission platform was revealed at NCORE 2019 in Portland, OR.


JCSCORE accepts manuscripts on a rolling basis. For more information on how to submit your work, please visit our submissions page. For editorial inquiries, please email us at

Open Access Statement

JCSCORE provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. All content in JCSCORE is freely available without charge to the user or their institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles or use them for any other lawful purpose without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Unless otherwise noted, works published in JCSCORE are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike License (CC BY-NC-SA). By granting a CC BY-NC-SA license in their work, authors retain copyright ownership of the work, but they give explicit permission for others to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, and/or copy the work as long as the original source and author(s) are properly cited (i.e., a complete bibliographic citation and link to the JCSCORE website), reuse of the work is not for commercial purposes, and the reused work is shared with the same license. No permission is required from the author(s) or the publishers for such use. According to the terms of the CC BY-NC-SA license, any reuse or redistribution must indicate the original CC BY-NC-SA license terms of the work. Exceptions to the application of the CC BY-NC-SA license may be granted at the author(s)’ discretion if reasonable extenuating circumstances exist. Such exceptions must be granted in writing. For coordinating use permission, you may either contact the author directly or email


Submit Your Work

We welcome interdisciplinary and creative scholarship that transcends traditional boundaries. Share your research and insights with a broader audience to promote race and ethnicity studies in higher education. Submit now.

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